Sacral series - Celebrating Me, my Mother Self and I

My eldest son is turning 10. As I pour my time and energy into planning his upcoming birthday, it dawned on me that I’ve quietly crossed the milestone of a decade in motherhood, from pregnancy to present day, without any thought or fanfare.

When a child is born, the focus shifts almost entirely from the expectant mother to the baby. There’s this unspoken expectation that a mother’s focus must be on her child. In becoming ‘mother,’ it’s easy to forget that we were once whole people outside of this role, with dreams and desires of our own.

We slip so fully into the role that we often lose sight of ourselves, leaving our wants and needs buried at the bottom of the laundry pile. We tell ourselves, “I’ll get to it when I have time.” But that moment never comes, crushed under the weight of domestic labour and mental load of caring for children.

As mothers, we instinctively celebrate our children and everyone else we nurture, but rarely do we stop to celebrate ourselves. We hide our struggles as we try to look as if we have our shit together, because we just have to get on with it. No one gives you a medal for keeping your kids alive.

I’ve realised that this pattern has extended to other parts of my life. In my metaphysical work, I’ve empowered clients with clarity, insight, and solutions they can’t find from logic alone. Yet, I don’t often speak about what I do. A dear friend-client once called me her ‘secret weapon’ because few know about the impact I’ve had behind the scenes, when I’m focused on getting on with the transformation more than shouting from the rooftops about it.

 Part of me healing the wounds of matrescence, is changing this narrative. I’m learning to celebrate myself more. To honour my wins even as I lift others up. With tomorrow’s Hunter’s Moon, it feels timely to complete the harvest, take stock and celebrate the fruits of my labour.

As I celebrate my son turning 10, I’m also celebrating my growth as a mother, woman, and a healer. Starting now, with this client win from a 1-to-1 intuitive channelling session earlier this week.

Whether it’s a major milestone or a quiet victory, take a moment to honour yourself. We spend so much time giving to others, yet rarely pause to recognise the strength and resilience it takes to keep showing up, day after day. 

Acknowledge your growth, your perseverance, and the unique ways you show up in the world. See yourself—not just for what you do, but for who you are becoming. It’s time to change the narrative: let’s celebrate and honour ourselves not only for what we give, but for who we are, beyond the roles we play.


Sacral series – Healing the motherhood wound