“Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly”. Even my website.

It seems counter intuitive to showing your best self, especially when used as a calling card for the kind of professional you are. Being a recovering perfectionist, this quote is a reminder not to let perfection get in the way of progress.

For years, I took pride in doing my best and performing well in whatever I did, academically or in the working world. I fulfilled all kinds of expectations from a familial, social and societal level. It also meant that I rarely attempted anything I wasn’t sure I could get right the first time. Too fearful of failure and judgment kept me on the well-trodden path to success, paved by conventional norms. It took a while before I listened to the whispers of the Divine telling me that the path I’ve been on, isn’t really mine.

Having veered off to a more spiritual and metaphysical track, I was happy enough to keep my practice small and intimate - dipping a toe into the ethereal world, while the rest of me still wanted to navigate the physical world on a similar path to the one I was on before. But it seems like that wasn’t nearly enough. Not only do I need to embrace my woo, I need to do so publicly. No hiding in the broom closet.

In the words of Zig Ziglar, “You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great”. Instead of trying to build a top class website with all the bells and whistles in a one and done fashion, I’m allowing myself to make content and provide offerings that are less than polished, but doesn’t take away from the value received by those who resonate with it. In doing so, I hope you can also give yourself grace and permission to fail forward and fast, as you gain momentum and move towards your goals.

So here is my website in all its imperfect glory, as I embrace getting things done over getting things right the first time.

P/S: Was there something you were expecting to see on my website but didn’t? Get in touch before my next round of content creation and refinement.


Hello and Goodbye (to Bold Verity Phase 1)