Hello and Goodbye (to Bold Verity Phase 1)

Hello. It's been a busy time since completing my 60-day 'Wisdom of the Jia Zi + Yi Jing' challenge and having my imperfect website going live. I went away on a short break and came back inspired, and also reflective.

We're not long into the second half of 2024 and I've been on this Bold Verity journey for not that much longer than 7-8 months either. I've done a bunch of stuff in terms of Chinese Metaphysics, intuitive channelling and even group meditation sessions. Before I embarked on this journey, I wasn't sure where I thought I would be at this point. What I now know for sure is that taking inspired action on Divine guidance has led me on this incredible ride, with many wins to celebrate and a lot to take stock on.

So far with Bold Verity, I have:
  • Stepped out of hiding in my cocoon, to being more visible and vocal about the What and Why of my work.

  • Upgraded my business mindset, identifying more opportunities to make metaphysical work an integrated part of my already busy and fulfilling life.

  • Got better at collecting testimonials – still need to publish more of them online.

  • Celebrated my wins and enjoyed myself more. I have as much of a plan for rest and play, as much as I do for work of both paid and unpaid varieties.

  • Let go even more of perfection, control and self-imposed targets that resonate with societal expectations, but are not aligned with my current path.

  • Surrendered the How and When to the Divine and taken inspired action on its wisdom. It was difficult, tiring and discomforting at times, but always extremely rewarding upon looking back on how far I’ve come.

  • Embraced the interrupted flow that is my life, enjoying the ride more than before, as I move around the curve balls thrown my way. 

I ought to know better by now than to forecast my long-term trajectory with absolute certainty, but the Divine has surprised me once again by offering more than one path to walk on, both leading me to my next eventual destination. It began with signs from the Divine in the form of 3 rainbows on my journey home after my short break (managed to take pictures of 2 of them). Yesterday, it took the form of a bunch of feathers found in the garden.

Paying attention to the messages received, this marks the end of Phase 1 of the journey I took when I first started Bold Verity. A new Bold Verity journey is about to begin, to gain a different kind of momentum as I step out and forward even more with my unique expression in the world. Before I embark on this next phase properly, the Divine has called upon me to slow down with my metaphysical work, experience life unfolding in the summer and be in this reflective, yet expansive space.

So it's goodbye and thank you to Bold Verity Phase 1. Watch this space for the unfolding of Phase 2.


Manifesting during the 8/8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal


“Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly”. Even my website.