Manifesting during the 8/8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

The Lion’s Gate Portal opens when the Sun in Leo aligns with Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, amplifying abundance, intuition and spirituality. It peaks tomorrow on 8 August in a number 8 year (2+ 0 + 2 + 4), making this 8-8-8 portal a supercharged one for manifestation until 12 August. 8/8/8 also falls on a Success Day in Date Selection and a Jupiter Day for greater abundance, growth and prosperity.

Challenging energies are about during this time. It’s the 7th Lunar (Hungry Ghost) Month, when the veil between spiritual and physical realms are thinner. Greater Yin energies could make some of us more susceptible to attracting unwanted energetic attachments. The Success Day also falls on a No Wealth Day and Mercury Retrograde is the tip of August’s challenging cosmic iceberg.

 How do we reconcile manifesting with challenging energies during a rare 8/8/8 portal?

Darkest comes before dawn. Challenges come before rewards. During this time of great Yin, bring in the Yang energy of Leo:

  • Elevate your frequency. Do regular energetic clearing and protection against unwanted energies of both spirit and human varieties.

  • Fortune favours the brave. Move towards your goals with courage and optimism, stepping into the light of your authentic self.

  • Embrace the discomfort that comes with change.

  • Focus your energies on what matters instead of spreading yourself too thinly.

  • Take 10 deep breaths to put on pause any explosive communication.

In case you need it, here’s a quick and dirty guide to manifesting:

  • Get into alpha state to calm your mind (E.g., meditation, breathwork).

  • State your intentions – in writing, speech or in your heart.

  • Visualise your intentions. Use all your senses to breathe life into them.

  • Feel positive emotions and gratitude for your intentions made manifest.

  • Release your intentions. Trust in the Divine to take care of the outcome and timing.

  • Take inspired action.

Although everything happens in Divine timing, here are some 8/8/8 QiMen Manifesting Hours to align your intentions in greater harmony with cosmic energies. All hours are based on local time. Choose one that resonates or is most practical for you to back towards during manifesting.

  • Jupiter Hour: 06:02 – 07:02, back SouthWest

  • 08:08 (AM) Hour: back NorthEast

  • Jupiter Hour: 13:06 – 14:06, back North

  • Good QiMen Hour: 17:00 – 18:59, back NorthEast

  • 08:08 (PM) and Jupiter Hour: 20:07 – 21:07, back South

Reconciling challenging energies with positive ones is the way to effectively manifest during the 8/8/8 portal. Once you have done your manifestation, move through the challenges by taking care of the what and why and leave the when and how to the Divine.

May fortune favour your courage to create with chaos magic.


I am a multi-hyphenate


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